Family History Research
Family histories vary greatly in scope and complexity.
Some projects require only a few generations of depth. In other cases, we pursue the data back as far as sources allow, while dealing with the inevitable puzzles, inconsistencies, missing or illegible documents, name changes and other impediments.
We have worked on a wide variety of genealogy projects, both national and international in scope. Each family history has required the efficient determination of:
WHAT clues will best answer the many questions that together constitute the research project
WHERE to find the data, both online (we subscribe to database services large and small) and in the real world of archives and government offices
WHICH information is correct when presented with contradictory findings using data of varying reliability.
We seek out hard-to-find data sources. We have mined data in the world’s largest repositories (the LDS Library in Salt Lake City, the National Archives in Washington, D.C.) and in small record offices, historical societies, and other local sources.
We go beyond a simple family tree to provide the personal details that are often more important, or at least more interesting, than just who is related to whom. Just as important, a professional genealogist is a trained skeptic when it comes to family legends that may contain a germ of truth, or perhaps not, and will seek out evidence impartially.
We assist clients preparing to visit the "old country" who need information about geographical origins and family members who might still be living in the area.
We can also function as consultants to family genealogists who need help with their brick walls. We enjoy receiving large collections of partially-organized materials, evaluating and augmenting them, and converting them into clear, understandable and well-documented family histories.